Tag Archives: AmyK Hutchens

Innovation Video: Creativity and Innovation Difference

Innovation Video: Creativity and Innovation Difference. AmyK Hutchens, International Speaker and CEO at AmyK International, discusses the difference between Creativity vs. Innovation in the workplace and introduces tools and practices for thinking and managing strategically, yet innovatively.

AmyK is a quick-witted provocateur, stimulating new ideas and connections in leadership, sales and innovation. She offers leadership tools that have immediate, practical application for increasing performance and productivity levels in individuals and teams.

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To find out more about AmyK Hutchens please visit: http://www.amyk.com/

After you’ve watched an innovation video what can you do next? How can you apply what you’ve learned or been inspired to do…and keep learning and being inspired? You can watch more videos or read more on the topic but consider this. We learn most through reflective action, through applying the knowledge we’ve gained, through experiencing and making it real for use. What can you do or take action on?

This Innovation Videos website is a resources to help you stay fresh, on the cutting edge, and up to date with your own learning and personal and professional development. The ability and skill to innovate is becoming more important than ever due to the rapid pace of change in our world. You may not have had a class on “innovation” in school or at your work so it is up to you to gain the knowledge, attitude, mindset, and skill that will allow you to adapt and respond to change with innovation. A first step is to read or watch videos on this site to get inspired and learn ways you can be more innovative. Then, take what you are learning and apply it to your own life and work. Take on an innovative project to create and develop something new that can have an impact, something you may not have ever done before. Perhaps you will get an idea from an innovation video on our site.

After learning on your own look to be a part of a leadership program, workshop, course, or seminar. Join a group or even create a startup with some partners. Involve other people in learning and doing innovation with you. Keep reading and keep listening because there is always opportunity to learn new methods since new technologies are being introduced all the time. When you are just working on your computer, have a video playing to listen and learn. See if you can watch (or at least listen to) a different innovation video everyday to keep developing your knowledge base and leadership skills. But remember…you will need to do something. Take action!